- Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :
A1. Koç F, Sen E, Demirbay P, Taşkintuna I, Teke MY, Ozdal P, Ortaç S, Oz O, Tarkan F, Firat E. Factors Influencingtreatmentresult in pseudophakicendophthalmitis. Eur J Ophthalmol, 2002; 12 (1):34-39.
A2.Altinok A, Sen E,Yazici A, Aksakal FN, Oncul H, Koklu G. Factors influencingcentral corneal thickness in a Turkishpopulation. Curr Eye Res, 2007;32(5):413-9.
A3.Sen E,Nalcacioglu P, Yazici A, Aksakal FN, Altinok A, Tuna T, Koklu G. Comparison of the effects of latanoprost and bimatoprost on central corneal thickness. J Glaucoma, 2008;17(5):398-402.
A4.Sen EM,Yilmaz MB, Dansuk Z, Aksakal FN, Altinok A, Tuna T, Koklu G. Effect of chronictopical glaucoma medications on aerobicconjunctivalbacterial flora. Cornea, 2009;28 (3):266-70.
A5.Yazici A, Sen E,Ozdal P, Aksakal FN, Altinok A, Oncul H, Koklu G. Factors affectingintraocularpressuremeasuredbynoncontacttonometer.Eur J Ophthalmol, 2009;19(1):61-5.
A6. Elgin U, Ozturk F, Sen E, Serdar K. Comparison of opticdisctopographybefore and afterantiglaucomatreatment in juvenile glaucoma. Eur J Ophthalmol, 2010;20(5):907-10.
A7.Altinok AA, Balikoglu M, Sen E, Serdar K. Nonpreservedamnioticmembranetransplantation for bilateral toxickeratopathycausedbytopicalanestheticabuse: a casereport.J Med Case Reports, 2010 Aug 10;4:262.
A8. Sen E,Balikoglu-Yilmaz M, Bozdag-Pehlivan S, Sungu N, Aksakal FN, Altinok A, Tuna T, Unlu N, Ustun H, Koklu G, Öztürk F. Effect of doxycycline on postoperativescarringaftertrabeculectomy in an experimental rabbit model.J OculPharmacolTher, 2010;26(5):399-406.
A9. Sen E, Elgin U, Koç F, Öztürk F. An 1.5 Centimeters-longUnknownSubconjunctivalGrassInflorescenceMisdiagnosed As Relapsing Conjunctivitis For 1 Year. Turk J Pediatr. 2011 Nov-Dec;53(6):699-701.
A10. Elgin U, Teke MY, Ersoy M, Sen E, Ersoy O, Ozturk F. UnusualRapıd Resolution Of PosttrabeculectomyExudative Retinal Detachment With Only Topical CorticosteroidTherapy In A Case Of Nanopthalmos. Retinal Cases &BriefReports 2011; 5(2):117-119.
A11.Ozdal P, Şen E, Yazici A, Ozturk F. Patterns of ChildhoodUveitis in a Referral Center in Turkey. J Ophthalmic InflammInfect. 2012;2(1):13-9. doi:10.1007/s12348-011-0044-8.
A12. Sen E, Berker D, Elgin U, Tutuncu Y, Ozturk F, Guler S. Comparison of OpticDiscTopography in the Cases with Graves Disease and HealthyControls. J Glaucoma. 2012;21(9):586-9.
A13. Elgin U, Şen E, Teke MY, Tirhis H, Öztürk F. Microtrauma-inducedRecurrentHyphema and Secondary Glaucoma Associated with ChronicAcetylsalicylicAcid Use. IntOphthalmol 2012; 32 (1): 89-92.
A14.Balikoglu-Yilmaz M, Sen E, Sevket O, Polat Y, Karabulut A, Uysal O. Comparison of aerobicconjunctivalbacterialflora in pregnant, reproductive-aged and postmenopausalwomen.Int J Ophthalmol. 2012;5(6):731-6.
A15. Teke MY, Elgin U, Şen E, Özdal P, Öztürk F. Early Effects of Pars Plana VitrectomyCombined with IntravitrealGasTamponade on Corneal Biomechanics. Ophthalmologica. 2013;229(3):137-41.
A16. Teke MY, Balikoglu-Yilmaz M, Yuksekkaya P, Citirik M, Elgin U, Ozdal P, YenigunSule, Sen E, Ozturk F. Thirteen-year Vitreoretinal Surgical Outcomes of 5097 Cases from a Tertiary Referral Center in Turkey. Ophthalmologica. 2013;230(4):186-94.
A17.Sen E, Onaran Y, Nalcacioglu-Yuksekkaya P, Elgin U, Ozturk F. Corneal biomechanicalparametersduringpregnancy.Eur J Ophthalmol. May-Jun 2014;24(3):314-9.
A18. Teke MY, Elgin U, Sen E, Ozdal P, Ozturk F. Intravitrealsiliconeoilinducedchanges in corneal biomechanics.Int J Ophthalmol. 2014 Apr 18;7(2):350-4
A19. Teke MY, Cakar-Ozdal P, Sen E, Elgin U, Nalcacıoglu-Yuksekkaya P, Ozturk F. Fundus autofluorescenceimaging of patients with idiopathicmacular hole.Int J Ophthalmol. 2013 Oct 18;6(5):685-9. doi: 10.3980/j.issn.2222-3959.2013.05.26
A20. Sen E, Elgin KU, Yüksekkaya P, Tirhiş MH, Aksakal FN, Teke MY, Oztürk F. Age-relatedchanges in biomechanicalparameters of the cornea and intraocularpressure in a healthyTurkishPopulation. Turk J MedSci. 2014;44(4):687-90.
A21. Sen E, Tutuncu Y, Balikoglu-Yilmaz M, Elgin U, Berker D, Ozturk F, Guler S. Corneal biomechanicalpropertiesmeasuredby the ocular responseanalyzer in acromegalicpatients.Graefes Arch Clin ExpOphthalmol. 2014;252(8):1283-8. doi: 10.1007/s00417-014-2653-z.
A22. Sen E, Tutuncu Y, Elgin U, Balikoglu-Yilmaz M, Berker D, Aksakal FN, Ozturk F, GulerS.Comparingacromegalicpatientstohealthycontrols with respecttointraocularpressure, central corneal thickness, and opticdisctopographyfindings.Indian J Ophthalmol. 2014;62(8):841-5. doi: 10.4103/0301-4738.141035.
A23.Nalcacioglu-Yüksekkaya P, Sen E, Onder A, Cetinkaya S, Tos T, Kurtul E, Aycan Z. Increasedcentral corneal thickness in patients with Turner syndrome.Eur J Ophthalmol. 2014 May-Jun;24(3):309-13.
A24.Nalcacioglu-Yuksekkaya P, Sen E, Yilmaz S, Elgin U, Gunaydin S, Aycan Z. Decreased retinal nerve fiber layerthickness in patients with congenitalisolatedgrowthhormonedeficiency.Eur J Ophthalmol. 2014 : 24 (6); 873-878.
A25.Nalcacioglu-Yuksekkaya P, Sen E, Elgin U, Hocaoglu M, Ozturk F, Yilmaz SA, Kendirci HN, Cetinkaya S, Aycan Z. Corneal properties in children with congenitalisolatedgrowthhormonedeficiency.Int J Ophthalmol. 2014 Apr 18;7(2):317-20. doi: 10.3980/j.issn.2222-3959.2014.02.22.
A26.Nalcacioglu-Yuksekkaya P, Sen E,Cetinkaya S, Bas V, Aycan Z, Ozturk F. Corneal biomechanicalcharacteristics in children with diabetesmellitus. IntOphthalmol (2014) 34:881–886.
A27. Teke MY, Elgin U, Nalcacioglu-Yuksekkaya P, Sen E, Ozdal P, Ozturk F. Comparisonof autofluorescence and optical coherencetomographyfindings in acute and chroniccentralserouschorioretinopathy.Int J Ophthalmol. 2014 Apr 18;7(2):350-4. doi: 0.3980/j.issn.2222-3959.2014.02.29.
A28. Sen E,Ozdal P, Balikoglu-Yilmaz M, NalcaciogluYuksekkaya P, Elgin U, Tirhiş MH, Ozturk F. Are There Any Changes in Corneal Biomechanics and Central Corneal Thickness in Fuchs’ Uveitis?OculImmunolInflamm. 2016;24(5):561-7. doi:10.3109/09273948. 2015.1037459.
A29. Eraslan N, Elgin U, Sen E,Yilmazbas P. The effect of surgicalskill on surgically-inducedastigmatism in cataractsurgery. GuojiYankeZazhi (Int Eye Sci) 2015;15(12):2036-2039.
A30. Ergan E, Ozturk F, Beyazyildiz E, Elgin U, Sen E, Cankaya AB, Celik T. Oxidant/antioxidantbalance in the aqueoushumor of patients with glaucoma.Int J Ophthalmol. 2016 Feb 18;9(2):249-52. doi: 10.18240/ijo.2016.02.12.
A31. Elgin U, Çıtırık M, Haksever H, Sen E, Öztürk F, Üstün H. Comparison of conjunctivalimpressioncytology in primary open-angle glaucoma, ocular hypertension and normal subjects. Int Eye Sci 2015;15(5):745-749.
A32.Omay E, Elgin U, Sen E, Yilmazbas P. The earlyeffects of intravitreal anti vascularendothelialgrowthfactoragents on intraocularpressure and central corneal thickness.
IntOphthalmol. 2016 Oct;36(5):665-70. doi: 10.1007/s10792-016-0171-1.
A33. Balikoglu-Yilmaz M, Esen AB, Yilmaz T, Taskin U, Taskapili M, Oktay MF, Sen E,Kose T. Bacteriological profile in conjunctival, lacrimal sac, and nasalspecimens and conjunctivalnormalization time following external, endoscopic, and transcanalicularmultidiodelaserdacryocystorhinostomy.ArqBrasOftalmol. 2016 May-Jun;79(3):163-70.
A34. Kara C, Şen EM, Elgin KU, Serdar K, Yilmazbaş P.Does the intraocularpressure-loweringeffect of prostaglandin analoguescontinueover the longterm?IntOphthalmol. 2017 Jun;37(3):619-626.doi: 10.1007/s10792-016-0315-3.
A35. Uzel MM, Elgin U, Sen E, Keskin M, Sağsak E, Aycan Z. Comparison of anterior segment parameters in juvenile diabetesmellitus and healthyeyes. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2016 Nov 4;26(6):618-622. doi: 10.5301/ejo.5000764.
A36. Sen E,Inanc M, Elgin KU, Yilmazbaş P. Comparision of Anterior Segment Measurements with LenStar and Pentacam in Patients with NewlyDiagnosed Glaucoma. IntOphthalmol. 2018 Feb;38(1):171-174. doi: 10.1007/s10792-016-0440-z
A37. Berker N, Sen E, Elgin U, Atilgan CU, Dursun E, Yilmazbas P. Analysis of clinicalfeatures and visual outcomes of pars planitis.IntOphthalmol. 2018 Apr;38(2):727-736. doi: 10.1007/s10792-017-0526-2.
A38. Atilgan CU, Kosekahya P, Yozgat A, Sen E, Berker N, Caglayan M, Sendul SY, Altiparmak E, Yilmazbas P. Are opticnerveheads of patients with helicobacterpyloriinfectionmoresusceptibletoglaucomatousdamage?Helicobacter. 2017 Dec;22(6). doi: 10.1111/hel.12443. PMID: 28980734
A39.Sen E, Balikoglu-Yilmaz M, Ozdal P. Corneal BiomechanicalProperties and Central Corneal Thickness in PediatricNoninfectiousUveitis: A ControlledStudy.Eye Contact Lens. 2018 Nov;44 Suppl2:S60-S64. doi: 10.1097/ICL.0000000000000465.
A40.Dogan M, Elgin U, Sen E, Tekin K, Yilmazbas P. Comparison of anterior segment parameters and axiallengths of myopic, emmetropic, and hyperopicchildren.IntOphthalmol. 2019 Feb;39(2):335-340.doi: 10.1007/s10792-017-0816-8.
A41.Uzel MM, Elgin U, Boral B, Çiçek M, Şen E, Şener B, Yılmazbaş P. The effect of trabeculectomy on serum brain-derivedneurotrophicfactorlevels in primary open-angle glaucoma.Graefes Arch Clin ExpOphthalmol. 2018;256(6):1173-1178.
A42. Elgin U, Sen E, Çolak S, Yılmazbas P. Initialtrabeculectomy with 5-fluorouracil with or without subconjunctivalbevacizumab in the management of pseudoexfoliation glaucoma.IntOphthalmol. 2019;39(6):1211-1217.
A43. Sen E, Celik S, Inanc M, Elgin U, Ozyurt B, Yılmazbas P. Seasonaldistribution of ocular conditionstreated at the emergencyroom: a 1-year prospectivestudy.ArqBrasOftalmol. 2018;81(2):116-119. doi: 10.5935/0004-2749.20180026.
A44.Kaygisiz M, Elgin U, Tekin K, Sen E, Yilmazbas P. Comparison of anterior segment parameters in patients with pseudoexfoliation glaucoma, patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome, and normal subjects.ArqBrasOftalmol. 2018;81(2):110-115.
A45. Eraslan N, Elgin U, Şen E, Kilic A, Yilmazbas P. Comparison of total/activeghrelinlevels in primary openangle glaucoma, pseudoexfoliation glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation syndrome.Int J Ophthalmol. 2018: 18;11(5):823-827.
A46.Ozates S, Elgin KU, Yilmaz NS, Demirel OO, Sen E,Yilmazbas P. Evaluation of oxidativestress in pseudo-exfoliative glaucoma patientstreated with and without topicalcoenzyme Q10 and vitamin E.Eur J Ophthalmol. 2019;29(2):196-201
A47. Simsek M, Elgin U, Uzel MM, Sen E, Yilmazbas P.Stabilization Time of Anterior Segment Parameters After TrabeculectomySurgery.Eye Contact Lens. 2018 Nov;44 Suppl2:S396-S399.
A48. Sen E, Inanc M, Elgin U. The effect of topical latanoprost on corneal clarity; 1-year prospectivestudy†.Cutan OculToxicol2019;38(3):253-257.
A49.Gulpamuk B, Elgin U, Sen E, Yilmazbas P, Neselioglu S, Erel O. Evaluation of dynamic thiol-disulfidehomeostasis in glaucoma patients and the correlation with retinal nerve fiber layeranalysis.Eur J Ophthalmol. 2020;30(4):690-699.
A50. Hocaoğlu M, Kara C, Şen EM, Öztürk F. Relationshipsbetween corneal biomechanics and the structural and functionalparameters of glaucoma damage.ArqBrasOftalmol. 2020;83(2):132-140.
A51. Elgin U, Sen E, Ozdemir K, Ozdal P, Berker N. The outcome of initialmitomycin C-augmentedtrabeculectomy with subconjunctivalbevacizumab in the management of secondary glaucoma associated with Fuchs heterochromiciridocyclitis.Int Ophthalmol.2020;40(4):795-802.
A52. Simsek M, Kocer AM, Cevik S, Sen E, Elgin U. Evaluation of the opticnerveheadvesseldensity in the patients with asymmetric pseudoexfoliative glaucoma: an OCT angiographystudy.Graefes Arch Clin ExpOphthalmol. 2020;258(7):1493-1501.
A53. Sen EM, Yalcinsoy KO. Modified evertingsuturescombined with reattachmentto the inferior tarsal plate for involutional lower eyelid entropion: A new technique. Arch PlastSurg 2020;47 (4) :347-353.
A54.CelikDulger S, Elgin U,Sen E. The epidemiologicalevaluation of ocular penetratingorblunttrauma cases appliedtoemergencyroom of an eyehospital. Clin ExpOculTraumaInfect. 2020; 2(1): 15-19.
A55. Keleş A, Şen E, Elgin U. Evaluation of biometricparameters in phacomorphic glaucoma and maturecataracts.Eur J Ophthalmol. 2021;31(3):1101-1106.
A56. Simsek M, Inam O, Sen E, Elgin U. Peripapillary and macularchoroidalvascularityindex in patients with clinicallyunilateral pseudoexfoliation syndrome.Eye (Lond). 2021 ;35(6):1712-1720.
A57. Fatma Corak Eroglu, Emine Sen,Suleyman Ellik. Treatment of bilateral punctalstenosis and nasolacrimalductobstruction in an 11-year-old case with dyskeratosiscongenita. Latin Am J Ophthalmol 3 (6) (25th September, 2020). DOI:10.25259/LAJO_4_2020
A58. Koçer AM, Sen EM. Pupillary and Anterior Chamber Changes FollowingUpper Eyelid Blepharoplasty.Ophthalmic PlastReconstrSurg. 2021;37(5):465-469.
A59.Yavrum F, Elgin U, Kocer ZA, Fidanci V, Sen E. Evaluation of aqueoushumor and serum clusterinlevels in patients with glaucoma. BMC Ophthalmol. 2021. 9;21(1):25.
A60.Budakoglu O, Ozdemir K, Safak Y, Sen E, Taskale B. Retinal nervefibrelayer and peripapillaryvasculardensityby optical coherencetomographyangiography in schizophrenia. Clin ExpOptom. 2021.25:1-7.
A61. Hondur G, Sen E, Budakoglu O. Microvascular and structuralalterations in the opticnervehead of advanced primary open-angle glaucoma compared with atrophicnon-arteritic anterior ischemicopticneuropathy.Graefes Arch Clin ExpOphthalmol. 2021;259(7):1945-1953.
A62.Ceylanoglu KS, Sen EM, Doguizi S, Hondur G.Smokingeffect on peripapillary and macularmicrovascularstructure in inactive Graves’ ophthalmopathy.IntOphthalmol. 2021;41(10):3411-3417.
A63. Sen E, Elgin U, Ozen O, Ozturk FG. The Efficacy and Safety of Trehalose in Primary Trabeculectomy with Mitomycin C: A Report of EarlyFindings.Clin Ophthalmol. 2021;15:2301-2306.
A64. Simsek M, Inam O, Sen E, Elgin U.Analysis of the choroidalvascularity in asymmetric pseudoexfoliative glaucoma using optical coherencetomography-basedimagebinarization.Eye (Lond). 2022 ;36(8):1615-1622.
A65. Serbest Ceylanoglu K, Malkoc Sen E, Corak Eroglu F, Yenigun S.Comparison of the two techniques for involutional lower eyelid entropion: A retrospective study.J CraniomaxillofacSurg. 2021;49(11):1005-1009.
A66. Corak Eroglu F, Inanc I, Sabuncuoglu B, Sen E, Kazancı B. The relationshipbetweenhistopathologicalfeatures and surgicalsuccess in primary acquiredpunctalstenosis.Eur J Ophthalmol. 2022;32(3): 1457-1463.
A67.Kazanci B, Çorak Eroğlu F, Şen E.The effect of limbal autograftlocation at primary pterygiumexcision on anterior and posterior corneal astigmatism: a comparativeprospectivestudy.IntOphthalmol. 2022;42(7):2235-2243.
A68. Kocer AM, Sen EM, Caydere M, Yenigun S, Hucumenoglu S. The histopathologicalfindings in exciseduppereyelids of patients with dermatochalasis following collagen cross-linkingtreatment. Graefes Arch Clin ExpOphthalmol. 2022;260(8):2737-2743.
A69. Serbest Ceylanoglu K, Sen EM, Sekeroglu MA.Static and dynamic pupillaryfeatures in graves’ ophthalmopathy.Clin ExpOptom. 2022:1-5.
A70.Atilgan CU, Yozgat A, Kosekahya P, Goker YS, Sen E, Yetkin E, Kasapoglu B. Comparison of radialperipapillarycapillarydensity results of individuals with and without Helicobacterpyloriinfection.ArqBrasOftalmol. 2022;85(3):286-293.
A71.Ceylanoglu KS, Eser NA, Sen EM. Choroidalstructuralevaluation in inactive Graves’ ophthalmopathy.PhotodiagnosisPhotodynTher. 2022;39:103012.
A72.Nalcacioglu P, Sen E, Aydemir E, Kiziltoprak H, Yasar HH. Objectiveassessment of corneal backscatteredlight in myopic, hyperopic, and emmetropicchildren.
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A73. Hondur G, Sen E, Bayraktar S, OzkoyuncuKocabas D, Elgin U, Tezel G. Evaluation of the segmentedinner retinal layers in exfoliation glaucoma.IntOphthalmol. 2023 Jun;43:1841-1848. doi: 10.1007/s10792-022-02583-0.
A74. Ceylanoglu KS, Sen EM. The effect of topical steroids and non-steroidal anti inflammatorydrugs on epiphora of unknown cause: Optical coherencetomographystudy.PhotodiagnosisPhotodynTher. 2023;41:103234.
A75.Keles A, Sen E, Altas FB, Elgin U. Risk factors for posterior capsulerupture in maturecataractsurgery: A study of 1302 cases.Indian J Ophthalmol. 2023;71(1):113-118.
A76. Bayraktar S, Hondur G, Şekeroğlu MA, Şen E. Evaluation of Static and Dynamic PupillaryFunctions in Early Stage Primary Open Angle Glaucoma.J Glaucoma. 2023;32(7):e90-e94.
A77. Malkoç Şen E, Serbest Ceylanoğlu K. Factors Affecting the Incidence of Ptosis afterTrabeculectomy.Turk J Ophthalmol. 2023;53(2):85-90. doi: 10.4274/tjo.galenos.2022.58812.
A78.Acar Eser N, Ceylanoglu KS, Malkoc Sen E, Evren E. The influence of microorganisms on earlyrelapsesafter external dacryocystorhinostomy.IntOphthalmol. 2023;43(9):3097-3106.
A79.Acar Eser N, Serbest Ceylanoglu K, Malkoc Sen E. Unilateral CiliaryMadarosis in a Child After Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection.Ophthalmic PlastReconstrSurg. 2023;39(1):e1-e3.
A80.Acar Eser N, Ceylanoglu KS, Sen E. Influence of Upper Eyelid Surgeries on Corneal MorphologyDetected with Pentacam. AesthPlastSurg. 2023; 47 (6), 2432-2439. doi: 10.1007/s00266-023-03366-3.
A81.Bayuk EG, Malkoç Şen E, Çorak Eroğlu F, Serbest Ceylanoğlu K, Evren E.Long-termFollow-up Results of Primary Canaliculitis Patients.Turk J Ophthalmol. 2023 Jun 21;53(3):149-153.
A82.Ceylanoglu KS, Sen EM, Karamert SS, Erdeve SS, Cetinkaya S. Optical coherencetomographyangiographyfindings in pediatricpatients with gravesophthalmopathy.IntOphthalmol. 2023 Jul 1. doi: 10.1007/s10792-023-02769-0. Online ahead of print. PMID: 37392258
A83. Kazancı B, İnanç İ, ÇorakEroğlu F, Sabuncuoğlu B, Şen E. The Effect of Autograftsfrom the Inferior and Superior BulbarConjunctiva on the Ocular Surface in Primary PterygiumSurgery: A CytologyStudy. Turk J Ophthalmol2023;53:336-342
A84.Bayraktar S, Hondur G, Şekeroğlu MA, Altaş FB, Yeşilyaprak N, Çevik S, Şen E, Elgin U. The Assessment of Radial PeripapillaryCapillaryVesselDensity in AdultChildren of Patients with Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma.J Glaucoma. 2024;33(7):p e43-e48.DOI: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000002347
A85.Hondur G, Bayraktar S, Sen E, Kiziltoprak H, Doguizi S, Elgin U. Maculavesseldensity and its relationship with the central visual fieldmeansensitivityacrossdifferentstages of exfoliation glaucoma.Clin ExpOptom. 2024 Mar;107(2):184-191.
A86.Bayraktar S, Hondur G, Şekeroğlu MA, Cengiz Özyurt B, Şen E. The long-termeffects of topical latanoprost 0.005% treatment on pupillaryfunctions: A 2-year longitudinalstudy. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2024 Jan 18:11206721241227780. doi: 10.1177/11206721241227780. Online ahead of print.
A87. Elgin U, Simsek M, Sen E, Hondur G, Bayraktar S, Acar A.The comparison of corneal densitometry in cases with glaucoma followingchildhoodcataractsurgery and juvenile glaucoma.IntOphthalmol. 2024 Feb 12;44(1):64. doi: 10.1007/s10792-024-03004-0.
A88.Bayraktar S, Yıldırım Erdal BD, Altaş FB, Türkay M, Şen E. The Effects of Lens Extraction Surgery on Intraocular Pressure and Anterior Segment Parameters in Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma.Turk J Ophthalmol. 2024;54(1):32-37.
A89.Aydemir E, Malkoç Şen E, Aksoy Aydemir G, Bayat AH, Karnaz A, Aydın Türk B. Relationshipbetweenhistopathologicalfindings of patients with dermatochalasis and vitamin D deficiency.IntOphthalmol. 2024 Jul 3;44(1):309. doi: 10.1007/s10792-024-03209-3.
A90.Acar Eser N, Serbest Ceylanoglu K, Malkoc Sen E.Evaluation of eyelid features’ changesbefore and after COVID-19 pandemicamongsthealthcare and homeofficeworkers.IntOphthalmol. 2024 Jul 18;44(1):328. doi: 10.1007/s10792-024-03246-y.
A91.Yıldırım Erdal BD, Hondur G, Bayraktar S, Elgin U, Şen E. The effects of topical latanoprost 0.005% treatment on microvascularchanges in the opticnervehead and macula.Indian J Ophthalmol. 2024 Nov 1;72(Suppl 5):S907-S912. doi: 10.4103/IJO.IJO_648_24. Epub 2024 Oct 25.
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